AC Power supply systems
Reliability and energy efficiency unite in our AC Power Supply Systems, the correct answer to work in critical environments.
Our Inverters are made to supply a stabilized load in AC, specifically thought to support critical industrial environments.
Those supplies guarantee an efficient and reliable energy conversion, ensuring that sensitive systems and industrial equipments receive a continuous load without fluttuations. Our inverters protect against current interruptions and power surges, preserving operational continuity and minimizing risks of faults and downtime.
IRON Series
Iron series are designed for Heavy Duty application power in AC stabilized current. Products can be easily customized depending on the peculiar Customer request.
Transformer for AC/DC galvanic separation are included. They are normally used in combination with Rectifier battery charged.
Main features:
- Industrial Layout
- Static Conversion
- Microprocessor control
- Digital control panel
- Reduced output THD with not linear load
- IGBT technology bridge (PWM)
- Natural convection cooling
- Easy maintenance/front access
- Insulation: galvanic insulation input/output
SINE and MICRON Series
SINE and MICRON Series are designed for Heavy Duty application power in AC stabilized current. Products can be easily customized depending on the peculiar Customer request.
Main features:
- Transformer for AC/DC galvanic separation are included
- They are normally used in combination with Rectifier Battery charged
- Industrial Layout
- Static conversion
- Microprocessor control
- Digital control panel
- Reduced output THD with not linear load
- IGBT technology bridge (PWM)
- Easy maintenance/front access
- Insulation: galvanic insulation input/output
Industrial UPS
Our UPSs are designed to ensure maximum business continuity in the most demanding industrial applications.
These supplies provide uninterrupted power, protecting critical equipment and processes from power outages, voltage surges and other electrical anomalies.
WAVE Series
UPS of WAVE series are designed for Heavy Duty application power in AC stabilized current. They are of type ONLINE double conversion and they are available in the following configurations: three/single and three/three.
Products can be easily customized depending on the peculiar Customer request
They are normally used in combination with different types of batteries, such as Sealed (VRLA) or Vented Lead Acid or Ni/Cd.
Transformer for AC/DC galvanic separation and static and manual By-Pass are included.
Main features:
- Industrial Layout
- ON LINE Static Double Conversion
- Microprocessor control
- Digital control panel
- Reduced output THD with not linear load
- IGBT technology bridge (Inverter)
- Battery voltage Temperature compensation
- Easy maintenance/front access
- Insulation: input/output galvanic insulation
Standard UPS
Our Standard UPSs are designed to provide continuous and reliable power, protecting electronic devices and computer systems from power outages and voltage fluctuations.
Thought for a wide range of applications, from offices to small businesses, these UPSs ensure that critical equipment remains operational during blackouts or power fluctuations.
Compact and easy to install, Zutronic Standard UPSs provide essential protection to prevent data loss, reduce downtime and keep productivity at its peak.
GDC-A3 Series
GDC-A3 is the new range of double conversion online UPS, with Input and Output 1ph, suitable for powering a wide range of devices such as servers, storage systems, telecommunications, network and medical systems as well as industrial applications. It is also ideal for powering and protecting Blade Server systems. with high input power factor. Available with different autonomies and accessories to meet the needs for users.
Available with powers from 1KVA to 20KVA.
- On-line double-conversion performance (VFI-SS-111)
- Microprocessor control
- Wide input voltage range
- LED control panel
- Automatic Bypass
- Relay alarm card (optional)
- Ethernet card (optional)
GDC-A4 Series
GDC-A4 is the new range of double conversion online UPS, with Input 3Ph and Output 1ph, suitable for powering a wide range of devices such as servers, storage systems, telecommunications, network and medical systems as well as industrial applications. It is also ideal for powering and protecting Blade Server systems with high input power factor. Available with different autonomies and accessories to meet the needs for users.
Available with powers from 10KVA to 20KVA.
- On-line double-conversion performance (VFI-SS-111)
- Microprocessor control
- Wide input voltage range
- LED control panel
- Automatic Bypass
- Relay alarm card (optional)
- Ethernet card (optional)
GDC-A7 Series
GDC-A7 is the new range of double conversion online UPS, with Input and Output 3ph, suitable for powering a wide range of devices such as servers, storage systems, telecommunications, network and medical systems as well as industrial applications. It is also ideal for powering and protecting Blade Server systems with high input power factor. Available with different autonomies and accessories to meet the needs for users.
Available with powers from 10KVA to 200KVA.
- On-line double-conversion performance (VFI-SS-111)
- Microprocessor control
- Wide input voltage range
- LED control panel
- Automatic Bypass
- Relay alarm card (optional)
- Ethernet card (optional)
Platinum series UPS devices ensure maximum protection and power quality for any type of load, especially for mission critical applications, security systems and electro-medical equipment, industrial processes and telecommunications.
Platinum is an on-line double conversion UPS (class VFI SS 111 in accordance with IEC EN 62040-3) with a transformer isolated inverter.
- Inverter insulation transformer
- Microprocessor control
- Advanced communication
- Wide imput voltage range
- Progressive start-up of the rectifier
- LCD multilanguage control panel
- Static and manual Bypass
- Relay alarm board (optional)
- Ethernet communication board (optional)
Who uses Zutronic products

Zutronic other products
Ensuring power supply continuity to critical users in industrial plants is our most important goal. The product range includes both standard equipment but above all customizable systems, made according to specific customer needs and used in the OIL&GAS, Petrochemical, process, production and distribution Energy, Transport, Tertiary sectors. We also offer CUSTOM products that are designed and built in Italy and we provide the necessary technical support for the choice and correct sizing.

Zutronic Services
Loyal to Company vision and mission, Zutronic has built during the years a complete range of services to better support the Customer.